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Writer's pictureChelsea Magnusen


In a world where you are always being flooded with so many external images and advertisements, it's hard not to compare yourself or to feel overwhelmed. Day in and day out, scrolling like crazy or watching videos of influential people could have you wondering what the heck you are doing with my life. Nothing this year has made much sense so it's completely understandable to have sat and questioned yourself, "what next?"

As someone who has always gone a bit against the grain when it comes to what society is doing, I can be the first to tell you that following your dreams is a challenge. It's beyond worth the struggles but there will be bumps. Sometimes you may not know if you should throw in the towel or just push through. My greatest advice, don't give up. It is okay to feel the pressures of the passing world but just know that you too, have a special purpose to fulfill! You might endure this journey alone but that doesn't mean that it isn't going to work.

I would have to say that this year is one of the best times to finally invest into yourself and something that you have always wanted to do. Whether you really want to pick up a hobby or you have some business plan you have always dreamt of doing, now is your time! As we move more towards a world run by digital media, the opportunity to jump into that industry is there. Don't be afraid to explore some ideas that you may have wanted to try in the past!

I should also mention that I personally have attempted and failed twice before launching this current website. I jumped the gun in wanting to start my own business but the cards just didn't align for me. Spending hours building a website only to have it not be successful is a bit discouraging. But each time I would learn a little more, get a little more motivated, and eventually I found myself with a successful blog and following my dreams! Now I understand I am not where I wish to be for good but it definitely is a step in the right direction. And you owe it to yourself to at least try.

I have always enjoy spending time on my own. I use this personal time to recharge from a long day or week or even to just indulge into something I don't otherwise get to do often. Some have mistaken this for being a homebody or antisocial but in fact, this method helps me regroup and restore my own energy. Looking back on my life, I would certainly deem myself as independent on many levels. For example, I have been working some type of paying job since I was 14 and able to obtain a working permit. Against my mother's wishes that I just not worry about a job and enjoy myself, I always felt that if I wanted to purchase or go do something, I wanted to be able to afford it on my own and to do this, I needed a job. This has been my mentality for as long as I can remember. From this mindset, I was able to create a decision making process that focused on myself and continues to lead me along this journey to success.

This mindset can be disrupted on occasion if one is not able to adapt to something such as a big move to a new city, getting a new job, or even having to change schools. If you constantly dwell on the things that have yet to change, you will attract more negative energy therefore resulting in the negative coming true. An example of this would be moving to a new city and constantly in fear of how you will make friends. Holding on to the worry that you won't be able to meet anyone will bring forth that exact situation and create the scenario you've imagined in real life. On the other hand, you could accept that change will happen, create some expectation for what's to come and then handle each change as it happens. The latter process helps people adapt in an easier way with less anxiety for things they cannot control. This way, you have no full expectation of what will happen but will be prepared if things go a certain way.

It is very easy to succumb to the difficulties of a situation and walk away from it instead of finding a solution. This creates a little more of an expectation for failure and a general lack of hope for happiness. When there is something that you want bad enough, the journey to reach it becomes worth every speed bump, traffic jam and setback. Creating a name for myself and making a career out of something that truly makes me happy daily, has been the number one goal since I moved to New York 6 years ago. Although it has taken me a few trial and errors, I have found that working on my own is simply because I'm independent and not because I'm all alone. I chose to not let the hard months of temporary struggle keep me from seeing that I will succeed and it will all work out for my best interest. 

Choices sometimes have to be made that create situations that are out of our control. The most difficult thing to do is allow this feeling of immediate loss of control and keep sight of why you started the journey in the first place. There is a large difference between being independent and going after what you want and being in an average lifestyle and feeling completely secluded. The choice is always going to be yours.

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